Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Give-Away Eagle, Be Careful WhatYou Wish For

Tenderest of object relations this morning. Our give-away eagles slept in, as late as 7:40, the younger woke the older eventually with an offering of a "chapter book, no pictures, see." Can't completely sidestep the needling curiosity - where am I taking them and why am I leaving them there?

We were generally late, then - Ciaran's rain clothes at school, and his vexation by tardiness, with missing out, compounded by his having to stop action to put on rain gear. Scowls followed.

The scene at Francis's was the more vexing to me: throwing him in to the maelstrom, today, and his unawareness of this. Maybe I was making all that up.

But this distance between events and responses is cozy enough.